What is property investment?

The most common types of property investments are residential and commercial real estate. They are also the most popular investments in the world. The majority of investors are found to invest in residential properties because they can be bought, sold, and rented out. Commercial properties on the other hand require a lot more investment than residential properties to be profitable. In order to make sure that you are getting a good deal when investing in commercial real estate, it is important to do your research on the market trends and make sure that you have done your due diligence before signing any contracts with developers. 

With NDIS property investment, you can get access to funds from NDIS loans that are not available from traditional banks. These loans allow you to invest in commercial real estate without having a lot of equity or collateral for lenders to take. 

Is it worth investing in NDIS property?

Commercial real estate can also be a difficult investment to manage. You probably want as much liquidity as possible, but it is too risky to sell a commercial property if you cannot find a buyer. This is where NDIS property loans come in handy. It allows you to take out a loan from the bank without having any kind of traditional collateral or personal guarantees. Thus, NDIS investments can be fantastic way to add to your super!

SMSF Loans and NDIS investments

If you have a Self-Managed super fund, or if you are considering setting one up – a NDIS approved home could have an incredibly high yield with long term lease back potential; all of which make for an attractive SMSF investment proposition. So, investing in SDA (specialist disability accomodation) is a great option for those of us who do not wish to invest in higher-risk investments, such as the stock market.

In order to use your SMSF to invest in NDIS is a mid to long-term investment that can assist in supplementing your super; giving you the retirement fund you deserve.

Get into contact if you need assistance determining your ideal investment plan depending on your current situation, or your current goals.

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