Such is the popularity of online video conferencing solutions that there is always a small security risk to be aware of. It comes as no surprise as anything that becomes popular online can also become a target for hackers, and we’ve heard news of systems being hijacked or personal information stolen.

Being disrupted, or worse still, having your security compromised is simply not worth the risk, and no one wants to be a victim. Fortunately, there are some simple steps any online user can take to make their video conferencing more secure and eliminate security risks.

Securing Meetings

On the bright side, many video conferencing solutions include added security settings that help prevent such incidents. The only disadvantage is that it’s often up to the users to configure these settings themselves, so it’s worth exploring the settings to find out all the options available. 

Whether your video conferencing tools are used for business, study or keeping in touch with friends and family, let’s take a look at how to stay safe and secure.  

Use Business Plans For Business Meetings

If you use consumer plans for your business meetings, it might not have all the security features needed to lock things down. A business package is all you need for a more complete video conferencing tool for your online security requirements. 

Use Waiting Room Features 

These features put participants in separate virtual rooms before the meeting and allow the host to admit people authorised to be in the meeting.

Enable Password Protection

Most video conferencing software now generates a password in addition to a meeting room ID. Be sure to have your service provider use a meeting ID and a password, as both are important.

Never Share Links Outside Secure Channels

Attendees should stay within the conferencing software and always remind them not to share the links, especially outside the organization.

Screen Sharing Should Not Be in Default

Your video conferencing software offers settings that allows the host to manage secure screen sharing, it shouldn’t be set as default.

Consider Whether You Need Video 

Some calls require video, and that’s fine. But sometimes you can participate in a call with audio only, which may offer you more security. What’s more, not using video saves network bandwidth on your internet connection, improving the overall audio and visual quality.

Use the Latest Software Version

Most security breaches happen to older software. Always make sure that all participants are using the most up to date version of your software.

Eject an Intruder

If you experience an unwanted guest, remember that injecting intruders and unruly participants from meetings ensures them not rejoining.

Lock a Meeting Once Attendees are Complete

You can securely lock a meeting once it begins. However, an exception will be a valid participant who drops out and the host needs to unlock a meeting to let them back in, but this is easily resolved. 

Video Conferencing For You

Whether you need video conferencing for work or leisure, make sure you’re using the best system and software with stellar customer feedback. No matter your team size or budget, Vaitel has a solution that’s right for you.